About Spondylolisthesis Stories ...

Welcome! Spondylolisthesis Stories is a compilation of personal stories involving individual's diagnoses, experiences, surgeries, and life with Spondylolisthesis.

My hope is that this site may offer a voice and platform for those with the spine condition to share their personal stories with the medical community, fellow Spondyo patients, and the world as a whole. Spondylolisthesis Stories also provides a wide array of information, personal knowledge, support and ideas for those with Spondylolisthesis. Whether you were recently diagnosed, learning to live with the condition, making difficult decisions regarding surgical interventions, in the early phase of recovery following an operation, or further into your journey, this site covers it all!

In addition to general stories about this spine condition, personal stories which focus on the subject of Spondylolisthesis & Pregnancy may also be found. These shared experiences detail the matter of labor and delivery, and include women with both unfused slips and those whom have had surgery prior to pregnancy. It has been my experience that this topic is one which is shrouded in some mystery. By sharing these stories I hope we may be able to shed some light on the subject; offering guidance and ideas to those females with Spondyo who would like to become pregnant but fear the unknowns which this condition can create.

I am always seeking new stories and would love to hear yours! Let your story and voice be heard! Please contact me (Brenna), at spondyostories@gmail.com, in order to share your story here. If you are seeking additional help and support from others with Spondyo, please ask to join the "Spondylolisthesis and Retrolisthesis Support Group" on Facebook. *This group is closed, and therefore, offers a higher level of privacy and comfort for all members to share openly and without fear of judgement. It is open to anyone with Spondylolisthesis (or a family members of those with Spondylolisthesis) to join.

Below the Spondylolisthesis stories you will find several survey questions. If you have Spondylolisthesis, please take a moment to review these questions and select your answer(s). You are also encouraged to join in and participate by interacting in the "Community Answers" board, located at the bottom of the page. Feel free to post questions and comments, share stories, answer the questions already presented, and ask your own questions! I greatly appreciate your participation and look forward to reading your answers and comments!

Spondylolisthesis Stories ...

Resource Links for all things Spondylolisthesis

This list contains a compilation of resource links related to Spondylolisthesis. The main intention of this list is to offer everything from general information, treatments, surgical information, disability-related resources, and everything in-between that relates to Spondylolisthesis.

I hope this selection may be helpful when seeking assistance and treatments for a wide array of matters to do with the spine Spondylolisthesis! I will continue to add resources & their respective links as I find them, so please check back in the future if you don't see what you're currently looking for ... In addition, please feel free to contact me at spondyostories@gmail.com with any questions regarding these, any other resources & any questions you may have in relation to the site in general! Thanks! 

*Are you interested in joining the *closed* Spondylolisthesis & Retrolisthesis Support Group on Facebook? Please click on the link and ask to join! My.Spondyo.Group

Also, please keep in mind that I continue to post and update information and resources to the Spondylolisthesis Facebook Page & Open Forum as well. This particular page is public; Anyone who's interested may view it at anytime (even if you do not currently have a Facebook membership). Please click the following link to view the Facebook Spondylolisthesis Community: FB.Spondylolisthesis.


Spine Health

Spine Universe

Spine Universe (Pertaining to high grade Spondylolisthesis slips)

PubMed Health (U.S. National Library of Medicine - Spondylolisthesis)

OrthoInfo - AAOS (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons - Spondylolisthesis)


Laser Spine Institute (Endoscopic Spine Surgery for Spondylolisthesis)

The Bonati Spine Institute (Laser Spine Surgery)

North American Spine (Minimally Invasive Spine Care)

Spine Centers of America

Mayo Clinic (Back Surgery - When it's a Good Idea & Spinal Fusion - Why it's Done)


Massage Therapist Locator & Referral for the United States (Assists in locating a large number of different kinds of massage therapists/treatments in your given region)

Soma Massage Integration Therapy (Information regarding Soma Massage & Practitioner Locator)

Reiki Energy Work (Definition & General Information about Reiki Energy Work)

Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy for Spondylolisthesis (Spine Universe)

Chiropractic Care for Spondylolisthesis (Spine Universe)


Basic Disability Resources (United States)

Social Security Administration



AARP Health (Supplemental Insurance Coverage for Medicare - 50 plus & Disabled)

Getting Approved for Social Security Disability Benefits (Post Brenna wrote about obtaining approval for SSDI - Suggestions, Tips & Info., derived from own SSDI case & speedy approval)

Health Insurance Plans (Locate and Compare Health Insurance Plans Online)

Health Insurance Plans (Locate and Compare Health Insurance Plans Online)

"The Spoon Theory" document/But You Don't Look Sick (Gives a wonderful sense of what it's like to live with a chronic health condition - A WONDERFUL way to get others in one's life to truly understand what it's like to live with a chronic illness and/or disability! This website, butyoudontlooksick.com, also offers a large array of additional resources.)

Spondylolisthesis Stories (Brenna's website collecting individual's stories regarding Spondylolisthesis)

Spondylolisthesis Grade 5 (Brenna's personal blog about Spondylolisthesis)

Spondylolisthesis Open Forum on Facebook (Brenna's Spondylolisthesis Facebook Page)

Share Your Spondylolisthesis Story!

Would you like to share your personal story and experiences involving Spondylolisthesis? I am currently seeking others to share their respective experiences with the spine condition; including symptoms, diagnoses, treatments, surgeries, and all of the details in-between. Have your voice be heard & help make a difference in other's lives by telling your story here! If you're interested, or would like to inquire further regarding this project and website, please contact Brenna through the Spondylolisthesis Facebook Page: FB.Spondylolisthesis, or email Brenna at spondyostories@gmail.com! I look forward to hearing from you and getting your story posted!

FB Comment Box. Please use this box to elaborate on your survey answers seen below.

Spondylo Polls

Please take a moment to review and answer the survey questions below! If you'd like to further elaborate on any of these polls questions/answers, please comment in the FB Comment Box or participate in the "Community Answers" section below. Thanks!

What grade is your Spondylolisthesis?

At which vertebrae is your Spondylolisthesis slip?

What is/has been most helpful in treating your pain associated with your Spondylolisthesis?

Have you had Laser Spine Surgery to treat your Spondylolisthesis?

Did one or more pregnancies cause your slip to progress in grade?